Cancel suscription
In order to cancel your suscription to one of the lists hosted under this domain, you only need to know the web address or name of that list and the subscribed email address.
- Web address of the list (URL): usually indicated at the end of each message and will be similar to
- List name: is the text that appears in front of (for example,
- Subscribed email address: that in which you are receiving the messages sent to the list.
a) Email
- Send an email to You will receive an automatic email for confirm the subscription cancellation.
b) Web + email
- Enter into the web address of the list and scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Write your email address in the last form field and click the button "Unsubscribe or edit options".
- This will take you to another page where you will need to press the "Unsubscribe" button.
- After a few seconds or minutes, you will receive an automatic email asking you to confirm your wish to cancel your subscription from this list (you will have three options: reply to this email without adding anything, click the link of this email or send a message with specific content to the address indicated).
Software Libre usado en nuestras listas de correo:
phpList y
Asesoramiento, formación y diseño web: